
General News

11 June, 2024

BlazeAid team helps mend broken hearts

Farmers are tagged tough and resilient, but even the most hardy are overcome with emotion when volunteers roll up and offer free labour to clear away fire-ravaged fences and put up new ones.

By Faye Smith

BlazeAid workers: Ray Le Vaillant, Melbourne; Stan Rasmussen, Bendigo; Dawn Perrett, Bundaberg, kneeling front; Tony Hindrum, Launceston; Irk Fernandes, Brazil; Bob Pride, Melbourne; Ana Julia Jorge, Brazil and Lyn Rasmussen, Bendigo. PHOTO: FAYE SMITH
BlazeAid workers: Ray Le Vaillant, Melbourne; Stan Rasmussen, Bendigo; Dawn Perrett, Bundaberg, kneeling front; Tony Hindrum, Launceston; Irk Fernandes, Brazil; Bob Pride, Melbourne; Ana Julia Jorge, Brazil and Lyn Rasmussen, Bendigo. PHOTO: FAYE SMITH

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